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If you know Marketing 101, you are aware of the importance of testimonials.

Every essential guide tells you to get some testimonials on your SaaS landing pages to improve your conversion rate. And that works, to some extent. What nobody told you is that testimonials don’t get read that often.

Users take them as a signal - if you have testimonials, then you’re trustworthy. If you have lots of testimonials, then you’re very trustworthy. Users don’t read the content - they only care about the number of testimonials.

Alas, that means the time you took to pull out testimonials from your clients (excruciating, I know) is not being taken full advantage of it.

So here’s a trick: start inserting them into a longer narrative. Here’s what I mean:

Before & After Page

Take Basecamp as an example. They have created a “Before & After” page to showcase testimonials that fit into the narrative they want to present.

If your product provides clear improvement in your customer's life, then make sure you have one of these.

Why Us Page

Got a lot of testimonials to show off? Good - weave them into a narrative to keep your prospects engaged. LunchMoney created a “Why Us” page - and according to them - 50% of page visitors reach the bottom.

Manage your testimonials the smart way

Notice can help. You’re free to create your web content however you like. In less than 5 minutes, you will be able to deploy a lightning-fast wall of love page to delight your visitors. See how Notice works in practice.

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